
P2 Learners carry out at least one relevant recce and risk assessment for production stages, recording: 
a) the outcome of recce(s) 
b) any potential hazards/ risks 
c) their solution for any identified hazard/risk in line with health and safety procedures

Task 9: Learners carry out at least one relevant recce.

a) Recce

Fill out a location recce sheet for any locations you shoot

including the photography studio, 
Adapt this one  as needed

and also the classroom - where you will be designing your poster
plus any exterior locations you used to shoot your poster backgrounds.

Photography studio images here, at the bottom

b) Risk Assessment 

You should have a risk assessment for the photography studio and the classroom

Task 10:

c) Solutions to identified hazards related to Health and Safety 

a) What are the health and safety risks for when you carry out your photo-shoots? 

- What potential hazards are there? 

- What things will you need to consider before hand? 
- What are the solutions to these risks/hazards?

Solutions to hazards sheet

Task 11: Test Shots

Test shots for your cover - take a selection of shots (at least 10) that highlight how you will use the camera effectively in your cover design. Use intended poses/ locations where possible (this also helps with your recce).

Take either photos of backdrops, characters, objects etc.
Compile your shots in a PowerPoint document and print for your folder.