9 weeks
Week 1
Photoshop lessons
Week 2
P1 layout, character and ideas, fonts and colours
Week 3
P1 as above contd, including photoshoot lesson if possible
Week 4 (29/10)
Recce and risk assessment and photoshoot lesson if not done
Week 5 (5/11)
Legal/ethical issues, re-photoshoot if needed with notes on best shots, gather assets, deciding best font, putting the elements together
Week 6 (12/11)
Draft poster quad size 20x15 inches, 300 dpi record the process for P4
Week 7 (19/11)
Lesson 1) Review peer assess and offer feedback 2) re-edit 3) compare poster to professional one
Week 8 (26/11)
Re-draft with feedback from teacher. Grading lesson, levels and brightness (command B and command L), output info as PDF quad size
Week 9 (3/12)
Hand in week. Peer assess using checklist.